Wednesday 28 February 2018


As said earlier the second part of the latter one is the most common and general confusion that an electrical and electronics engineer might get into. That is 'Conventional Current and Actual current flow'


In this simple electrical circuit you may imagine that the current flows from positive to negative., that is from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the battery.

All the engineers propose this to be the conventional current which is commonly used all over the field but the thing is 'CONVENTIONAL CURRENT FLOW IS WRONG'.

Back in the early days when the scientists were trying to figure out whether it was the protons or the electrons that were flowing through a circuit.

Unfortunately every formula and derivation we use in electronics is based around the mistake of assuming that the current flows from positive to negative. And the good news is that the formulas are consistent and whenever we do any math we use the system of Conventional current and it works. So you can just PRETEND that electrons are moving from positive to negative even though that is backwards to reality.

Alright, Amperes are easier to understand, its just the flow of electrons. I Hope its clear about the myths about the direction of flow of electrons.And the difference between Conventional current flow direction and the Actual current flow direction.

In the part it will be 'Voltage'. 
Hope the post is useful and easier to understand in a literal way.Do let me know in the comments section.Thank You.

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