Friday 2 March 2018


In the first chapter of Basic Electricity you learned that current is basically the flow of electrons in a wire. And the term 'AMPS or AMPERES' refers to how many electrons are flowing past a certain point per second.

In this chapter in prior to knowing what VOLTAGE is, you will know what voltage does.There's an important difference.


As per the records; Voltage is a difference in electrical potential energy, per unit charge, between two points. This is a boring definition which you might fall into and end up in mugging it up, but wait., you need not do that...

Okay, the super simplified explanation of voltage is that volts push current around an electric circuit. Voltage behaves like a pushing force, forcing electrons to start moving around, which creates an electric current. You can also register the below picture as a comical explanation of Voltage.

Quite absurd(state of being ridiculous) right....?

Okay, now let's see an example for better understanding in the picture below you see an electric motor with some wires connected to it, and that fancy box is an adjustable power supply., i.e: that voltage box allows me to create nearly any voltage i want, which is useful for designing circuits, but you don't need one of these to start learning about electricity- you can just use Batteries. 


And the example goes like this....

Voltage Indication

The voltage I'm generating will be shown here, and the fun thing about this power supply is that it can automatically measure how much current is flowing and that's going to be shown here....

Current Indication

I want you to see how when you increase the voltage going to the motor, more current flows. If we start out with the power supply set to Zero volts, the motor doesn't do anything. Set the power supply to produce 1 volt. 

Immediately you can see that there is current flowing - roughly 1.8 amps. And when there is current flowing, energy can flow from the power supply to the motor. Now let's increase the voltage to 2 volts. Now that we have a bigger pushing force, more current is flowing, 2 amps. So more energy is flowing through the motor, so obviously it's going to turn faster. And even more if the voltage is cranked up , we can get even more current and the motor speeds up even faster.

Okay, that's just one example of what voltage does. You can use a voltage source to power motors, light bulbs, electronics and other things.

Another important fact that a voltage can do is, it can carry useful information. You can use different voltages as electrical signals that represent data. Now wait....! I think this is way more advanced than what i want to tell you about in this chapter, I just want you to understand that sometimes Voltage is used to power things that draw high amounts of current, but you can also use voltage as a signal, and almost no current flows at all. You just create the changing voltages with a transmitter and detect the changing voltages with a suitable receiver.

Now remember, here the whole volts pushing amps thing is just a helpful simplification. What's really going on here is that there's a chemical reaction inside this battery that's creating a voltage.

We'll see that in the next part of the chapter. Kindly wait for the next chapter.

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